Image Analysis Course
Lab 1: The SIFT Descriptor
List of topics:
- Gradient Histograms
- A SIFT-like Descriptor
- Digit Classification
- Using the SIFT code from
PDF report available here.
Lab 2: Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks
List of topics:
- Leaning a Linear Classifier
- Training the Classifier
- Convolutional Neural Networks
PDF report available here.
Lab 3: Image Registration
List of topics:
- Minimum Correspondences
- Writing a Minimal Solver
- Computing Residuals
- Writing a RANSAC-based Solver
- Aligning Images
- Aligning Images with known orientation
- Warping
- Least Squares
PDF report available here.
Lab 4: Triangulation
List of topics:
- Using RANSAC
- Least Squares Triangulation
- Essential Matrix
PDF report available here.
Project: Digit Recognition in Scale Space
List of topics:
- Model Design and Training
- Scale Space
- Non Maximum Suppression (NMS)
- NMS across Scale Levels
- Evaluation
PDF report available here.